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  • Writer's pictureThe Poop Troop Tx

Feel Good Friday 11/4

In June of this year, a dog named Monster plummeted off her owner's boat into Galveston Bay.

She was accompanying her owner on his shrimp boat when she went overboard. Her owner said his heart fell when he realized she was missing.

He searched for hours and sent out a Facebook post, hoping by some miracle someone had picked her up from the water.

He got word someone had seen a dog matching her description at a local park. With little hope that it could actually be her, he dug deeper into the lead. Another witness claimed to have seen his dog swimming through the bay. His hope rose and he went to the local park where she might have been sighted.

Five days after she fell overboard Monster was reunited with her owner. It's thought she swam the five miles from boat to shore. Her owner says he cried and cried as she licked his face.

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