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  • Writer's pictureThe Poop Troop Tx

Winter Weather Tips from The Poop Troop Pups

The first thing you want to take into consideration is your dog's coat. A floofy dog like our Shepherd Jimmy, is going to be more comfortable in lower temps than a dog like our Catahoula, Boudreaux. Boud's coat is thinner and he gets cold much easier so he prefers to wear a jacket or sweater when out in the cold. We also try to take him out more frequently for shorter times. That way he can still get his puppy energy out and go potty but not get too cold. We try to schedule these playtimes at peak sunlight hours.

Another thing to keep in mind is that cold weather dries out and can irritate skin. You may want to consider adding a skin and coat supplement during the winter to keep your pup's paws, ears and nose from getting dry and cracked. You could also invest in a set of winter boots for your pooch. Our older dog, Beaux's paws get super easy so boots are a good solution for him. It's also worth noting, with this ice we're getting, they make a pet friendly ice melter which might be a better choice for your porches and sidewalks.

You're also going to want to make sure your dog has some good bedding to sleep on. We have laminate flooring in our house and it can get pretty chilly. I checked the temp of the floor near our dogs kennels and it was a consistent five degrees colder than higher up. It's a good idea to give them an extra blanket or two for them to make themselves a cozy little nest. Be aware of your housing heat sources, though. Dogs that curl up next to a nice warm heater may not realize how warm they're getting and it can put them at risk for burns or overheating.

The Poop Troop Pup's last tip for winter time is don't forget to make sure your dog has good access to water. Outdoor water bowls will need to be cleared of ice and while dogs may tend to drink less in the winter, it is still important for them to stay hydrated. Jimmy prefers his big water bowl outside so we try to make sure the water isn't excessively cold or iced over.

We try to mitigate the effects of this cold weather as best we can so the pups can enjoy their snowy romps without getting too chilly. The humans in the Poop Troop TX household are thankful we only have a few days a year of scooping in the snow!

Stay Warm!

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